Seasons are not common around the world according to time, numbers and length, but commonly there are four seasons in a year, in which only two months’ season spring is the season of colors. The spring starts after ending of winter and it is the most delightful season, so it is known as the queen of all season or king of all season.
Contents of the Article
Seasons in a year
The season means the specific time in which the weather, ecology and amount of daylight is entirely changed that whole year period. It is also called division of the year marked by particularly daylight hours, weather pattern and position of earth from sunlight.
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There are four common seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) in typical year but understanding of the peoples from Thar Desert is totally different. If you ask from any common person, who many seasons are there in a year? They will reply, there are three seasons in a year 1). Winter 2). Summer and 3). Monsoon (waskaro). Also, you will get different and amazing answers if you will visit different regain of the earth.
Spring the season of colors
Although, every season has its own beauty in which you can hear different voices of nature everywhere, but the spring is most delightful and colorful time period of the year.
Oh, Spring! I want to go out and feel you and get inspiration. My old things seem dead. I want fresh contacts, more vital searching. (Emily Carr)
During this season, the plants start growing new leaves, beautiful flowers and bearing fruits, everywhere looks green and colorful. So many colorful insects including butterflies returning form winter long sleep and welcomes spring by singing beautiful songs also the nightingale starts singing. It is the time when nature speaks everywhere and adds new life to beautiful valleys and fields. As Jessica Harrelson said, “Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is”.
The Season of Hope
When nature sings it impacts psychologically on all living beings. Spring creates more hopes, increase feelings of satisfaction and promote positive social behavior as you see the fresh green leaves and colorful flowers on the branches of trees.
It has been observed, reported in some reports, love stories and novels that as compare to other seasons more people fall in love in spring.
Concluding Thoughts
Don’t wait more, complete your search, focus on your queen/king and fall in love in this spring. Spring is the season of hopes and it always brings out the colors of earth. It is the season in which you can fell the nature very closely. Don’t let go this spring alone, so dress up, be optimistic, fell joyful, take step ahead, a beautiful, most delightful and colorful world is waiting for you.
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Last Updated: March 12, 2020
Terrific website you have got right here.
Thank you