It is the sixth day of 30 days 30 blog challenge and the topic is “Every day a new story: Five favorite inspiration quotes”. If you would like to read the full series of “Every Day A New Story”, you can reach by clicking here on each day a new story Day-1, Day-2,  Day-3, Day-4 and Day-5.

What is the quote?

It is an important sentence, which shows specific guidelines or inspirational meaning and it is said by someone experiences person in his/her field as a writer, guru, social scientist, etc. On the other hand, we can say that the quote is the expression of the feelings, thoughts, and observation of someone experienced person.


Inspiration is when you feel a deep-rooted passion and motivation to do something.

The inspiration is motivation and it is your biggest strength. Inspiration is the only thing which makes you able to get your wishes came true. Inspiration keeps you focused and committed. Quotations play a vital role in inspiring someone. Quotations are those statements, that are said by famous personalities or by anyone and that is repeated and again. These conditions are of all types these conditions are like we can say that they are the point of view of someone.

Why we get inspiration?

Everyone faces the low and high in life and whenever the situation gets unfair and tough, people tried to get inspiration from stories, poetry, history, and quotes. The quote makes you strong and inspired to fight with the situation and get success or control over the situation.

Five favorite inspiration quotes

There are so many writers, novels, stories, and quotes that are the inspiration of my life, but I like a few of them, in which the following are my five favorite inspirational quotes.

  1. Fairy tales are more than true not because they tell us dragons exist but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. (GK Chesterton)
  2. You have a brain in your head. you can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You are on your own and you know what you know, and you are the one who will decide where to go. (Dr. Seuss)
  3. I have not failed I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. (Thomas A Edison)
  4. Listen to the mustn’ts, child, Listen to the don’ts, Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me. Anything can happen child. Anything can be. (Shel Silvers Hein)
  5. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it, the present. (Bill Keane)

Coming Ten Days Stories

Every day a new story: May 7 to May 16, 2020

  1. Five School-age friends
  2. Five University friends
  3. Five rememberable things you never shared
  4. Five best habits
  5. Five days from your childhood memories
  6. Five days of your first job
  7. Five counties you want to visit
  8. Five goals of 2020
  9. Five goals of life
  10. Five-way to share your proudest movement

Read previous four days stories:

Always remember, Only GOD is perfect nothing else. Don’t wait for perfect, take the hand and make it perfect for your relationship. (Lifestyle Guru)

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Last Updated: May 06, 2020


  1. I in particular found quote number five’s meaning very purposeful. Everyday truly is a gift, and theres no reason to dwell on the past because that was yesterday.

  2. Great choices of quotes! I love that they show how empowered people can be in their own lives, to see things not as failure but an opportunity to learn and grow.

  3. A few years ago my daughter was struggling with a homework assignment and I remember her saying “I can’t do it.” My husband left the room and came back with a piece of paper and he had my daughter write that same Thomas Edison quote on a large piece of paper and hang it up in her room. Reading that quote worked and after several years she still has it hanging up today.

  4. I like #2 from Dr. Seuss! I have just decided to steer my mind to things that will be going to the direction of my dreams.

  5. Thomas Edison’s quote is one of the most used in the world, and given as example when things don’t go according to plan. It is indeed very inspiring.

  6. These are beautiful quotes and their messages vary to different people. I always find inspiration from many quotes (including from my Mother’s).

  7. Love all those quotes. But if I were to pick one, I’d choose number 5 because I think being grateful about the day in our life works wonders!


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