It is 13th day of 30 days 30 blog challenge; and the topic is “Every day a new story: Five counties I want to visit”. If you would like to read the full series of “Every Day A New Story”, you can reach by clicking here on each day a new story Day-1, Day-2, Day-3, Day-4, Day-5, Day-6, Day-7 and Day-8, Day-9, Day-10, Day-11 and Day-12.
Contents of the Article
Every day a new story
Traveling is the best medicine for every disease. Even science says that it is the best remedy for everything. A person should visit a new place every two months. Research had proved that those people who keep visiting different places have a better immune system and are healthier than others.
Even I am a visitor, and I have visited a lot of places. I just love to visit and explore more things. Visiting different places is the best thing for me because it increases my knowledge much. It gives me much pleasure.
Five counties I want to visit
There are many, many countries that I dream to visit, here is the preference list of those five counties I want to visit, and I am much interested to visit these places once in my life to explore them completely. Please note that the list of five countries I want to visit is not in order of preference.

The society of Argentina is multiethnic and multilingual same as my Sindhi and the peoples of Argentina belong to different ethnic, religion, and national origins. Argentina does not equate their nationality with ethnicity, hence still indigenous peoples are fighting for their rights.
I want to visit the country of Mario Luis Rodríguez Cobos (Silo) an Argentine writer and founder of the Humanist Movement. He was an active humanist, thinker, speaker, and writer of many books. As a believer in the Humanist movement, I want to visit Argentina and want to see things physically which were listen from Silo.

Thailand is famous for different aspects, but many development sector actors are planning many managerial and professional training in Thailand, I would like to attend and visit Thailand.
I want to visit Thailand to explore its vibrant culture, glamorous Eastern & Oriental Express, wonderful beaches, exotic cuisine, utopian resorts. Also explore the yoga and Ayurvedic spa treatments at new holistic health and wellness resorts.
Sri Lanka

According to my religious history, the Sri Lanka is an important country to visit and see the society of Sri Lanka.
I want to explore the endless tea fields and golden temple of Dambulla including the famous markers, the beaches, and some rural life of Sri Lanka.

This is the country of my friend Decler Mendez Hague, he lives in Sydney and he introduces us to the international humanist movement. He also visited me twice at the Thar Desert. I want to visit Australia and visit the world’s largest forest and explore the beauty of the Amazon forest.

The governmental system is the inspiration for us, we have tried to adopt under devolution plan during the ruling period of our great and brave leader, chief of the army and ex-president of Pakistan Syed Pervez Musharraf.
I want to visit Turkey to explore the East-meets-West gem, and the quirky cave dwellings of Cappadocia and try hot air ballooning over its surreal landscape. I also want to explore the beautiful Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, Grand Bazaar, and a cruise down the Bosphorus.
Read previous four days stories:
- 1 May 2020: Every day a new story: Five reasons my blog name is worldineyes
- 2 May 2020: Every day a new story: Five reasons why I blog
- 3 May 2020: Every day a new story: Five facts about me
- 4 May 2020: Every day a new story: Five favorite songs
- 5 May 2020: Every day a new story: Five favorite movies
- 6 May 2020: Every day a new story: Five favorite inspiration quotes
- 7 May 2020: Every day a new story: Five School Age Friends
- 8 May 2020: Every day a new story: Five University Age Friends
- 9 May 2020: Every day a new story: Five rememberable things never shared
- 10 May 2020: Every day a new story: Five best habits
- 11 May 2020: Every day a new story: Five days from my childhood memories
- 12 May 2020: Every day a new story: Five days of my first job
Always remember, Only GOD is perfect nothing else. Don’t wait for perfect, take the hand and make it perfect for your relationship. (Lifestyle Guru)
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Last Updated: May 13, 2020
Among your list I want to go to Australia and Turkey. Mainly for coffee. I’ve read that Australia has the best flat white and I want to try an authentic Turkish Coffee. And then I’ll add the Hot Air Balloons once I’m there.
My Dad always taught me to take the time to see what was over the next bend. I loved growing up and going on adventures with him. I did not know that it was also so good for my health but it makes sense. You have a great list of destinations. One other place that I would love to visit one day is Ireland!
I hope to make it to these places too. One day, I hope.
I can’t wait to start traveling again too! These countries are on my list.
Great that you have such plans. My dream is to visit Australia one day! 🙂
So many places that I would love to explore. I think Turkey would be my favorite place to check out with the hot air balloons
Those places all sound fantastic to visit. Argentina had always been high on my list of bucket list places to visit.
I do really enjoy your posts. I find them so good to read and for me they are very interesting.
I have been to Australia, but otherwise I want to visit all of those places too! I always think it would be so magical to be in Turkey and see that exact view of the hot air balloons.
It sure is hard to pick just five! Your choices look like great destinations.
Australia is on my list of places I would love to visit! Eventually I hope to make it there!
I have friends that have gone to Australia and LOVE it. I would love to be able to get there someday!
Very different countries with amazing cultures and unique people. I, too, would love to visit these places on earth!
I’ve been to Thailand and SriLanka…Turkey is soon and I can’t wait…There is so much to see, so many countries.
Australia is also part of my wish-list. I hope to go there in the future.
I definitely want to go to all those countries too! I have been to Australia, but have only viewed a tiny fraction of the country. The world is beautiful place and we as humans need to explore more!
I would love to go to Italy, UK (maybe all of it counts as one country, lol), Greece, Singapore, and Dubai. Your list is widely varied too! Honestly, I would love to go to lots of countries. Maybe someday.
This is great! I hope I can also visit those beautiful places.
This is great! I hope I can also visit those beautiful places. I wanna go there after the long quarantine.
Thailand is my wish place in this list and your briefing makes me confusing about where where will I go If I get a chance
I so want to go to Australia! I don’t know when are we going to travel again. We can only wish.
Great Post. Australia and Sri Lanka are also in my wish list. I hope to visit these after the Lock-down and flight operation resumes.
I’m curious to go to those beautiful places! I wish I could visit all of those countries after the crisis is over.
I want to visit Thailand, the culture and food there look so interesting and great!
I’ve been to Thailand and it is one of the wonderful places to visit. I had a great experience and this country gave a huge impact on my life. Australia is another country you will enjoy 🙂
Those are the places I wanted to visit too. But, all this virus situation I am taking down the travel list for the meantime.
I also want to go to Thailand and Turkey. Those two are definitely on my list.
Great lists. I would love to visit Argentina too. I have visited Turkey before. Beautiful place.
My daughter went to Thailand and since seeing her breathtaking pictures, I want to go there. Thailand is on the list as well as Argentina.
Argentina is top of my list out of the 5 countries you have mentioned. hopefully soon
This is a great travel bucket list. Australia is definitely at the top of my list.
Some of your travel list are on my travel bucket list too! Great choice. 😃😃
This is such a great list and all of these places are on my bucket list as well – really can’t wait to travel again once it’s safe
Laura x
I have 4/5 on my list of places to go as well! I went to Turkey as a child and I had sooo much fun! I hope you can go to these places some day