Ways to re-energize your life this weekend – COVID-19 Quarantine

This is the second weekend, with the COVID-19 pandemic, almost the whole world is lock-down and very few peoples are working from home, and...
how to get glowing hair

To get glowing and long hair – Lifestyleguru Remedies

Dear readers, thank you for your very much encouragement on my last post. “5 most common causes of hair breakage”, which inspire me to...

5 most common causes of hair breakage

Dear readers, thank you for your real encouragement on my last post. “Makeup essentials you can’t leave without”, which inspire me to share my...

You want to see inspiring content, right?

The social media, print media, electronic media, writers and bloggers are posting a million contents and every content is not important for everyone but...
any relationship

To make any relationship easier – Lifestyle guru

Since the last 10 days of quarantine, I have used my time to read more theories of change and acceptances. I learned that no...

Makeup essentials you can’t leave without

Today, I want to share with you the makeup essentials you can't leave without, don’t worry if you are facing any difficulty in personal...