most important days of life

Five most important days of life – LifestyleGuru

Today is the 17th day of 30 days 30 blog challenge; and the topic is “Every day a new story: Five most important days...
proudest moment of your life

Five-way to share proudest moment of your life

The 16th day of 30 days 30 blog challenge; and the topic is “Every day a new story: Five-way to share proudest moment of...
goals of life

Five goals of life and Five goals of 2020

Today is the 15th day of 30 days 30 blog challenge; and the topic is “Every day a new story: Five goals of life...
counties I want to visit

Five counties I want to visit – LifestyleGuru

It is 13th day of 30 days 30 blog challenge; and the topic is “Every day a new story: Five counties I want to...
my first job

Every day a new story: Five days of my first job

It is the 12th day of 30 days 30 blog challenge; and it made me proud to share my first experience of job under...
my childhood memories

Every day a new story: Five days from my childhood memories

It is the 11th day of 30 days 30 blog challenge; and it made me mad because I recalled my childhood, viewed many blurred...