My professional mentor, Mr. Dominic Stephen always says, “you are here to learn, to grow and fly with your personal development to earn according to your skills” this is one of the “tips to personal development” for everyone.
The personal development is the process of staying with some environment, learning and understanding about that, accepting the positive change, skills, behavior and develop your own capacity in order to achieve you fullest potential.
Improve your mood right now – Think positive live happy
Personal development does not means holding the higher academic degrees or many awards and shields. However, it is the passion and ambition pursuing your management of your skills, knowledge and ability.
Contents of the Article
Passions and Ambition
Passion is an emotion and a deep willingness to act. When you are self-aware about your personal development have a strong plan with committed mindset, here your personal development is your passion and committed mindset is your ambition.
Your academic degrees with having related skills will make you able to get a job but your personal development will make your personality, also we can say that it will make you an institution. Personal development will be increasing consciousness and building wealth.
“Follow your own passion—not your parents’, not your teachers’—yours.” —Robert Ballard
I believe that only mechanical things can be refurbish or reshape by specific and set manual and time, but social and behavioral change/development is an ongoing, continuous and effective efforts towards the goal. There is no any set frame for personal development, but it can be planning any time and any stage of life, however, early age plan will be more beneficial and effective.
Tips on Personal Development
Personally, I never believe in luck and bad luck, but I believe that the personal development is only begins and grow with your self-awareness, when you are self-aware, committed to your-self, no any bad luck will stop your personal development.
Here are some tips which will help you to plan and achieve your personal development.
- Self-awareness
- Motivation
- Direction
- Resilience
- Effectiveness

1. Self-Awareness
According to sociology, the self-awareness remains a controversial theory but it very fruitful too. It is controversial because, according to some sociologist self-awareness can exaggerate and bias judgments as to what the self is? While, the theory of self-awareness makes you focus attention on your own development approach it means personal development begins from self-awareness.
2. Motivation
Motivation is a desire to achieve the objectives and goals that leads to objective/goal-driven behavior. When you are self-aware towards your personal development this satisfaction level is a motivation. This motivation to your personal development needs the specific direction to achieve your goals.
“Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.” ~ Roy T. Bennett
3. Direction
When you are fully motivated towards your personal development, then start planning your goals and milestones for achieving the goals. The goal should be SMART, means the specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. Prepare the actions for achieving the goal this will give your real direction towards your personal development.
4. Resilience
Your personal development will make you self-resilient. The resilience means the ability to bounce back quickly during tough times in life. Your resilience level of improved skills will make you able to deal effectively with tough times of life.
5. Effectiveness
When all the planned goals have been achieved and now you are self-resilient, also you have the capacity of how efficiently operate your professional life and business, to achieve set goals within set time-frame.
It is totally possible with personal development, with strong sense of direction and decision-making strategies during multiple tasks you have to achieve.
We would greatly appreciate it, if you kindly share your feedback, your feedback and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Always remember, Only GOD is perfect nothing else. Don’t wait for perfect, take the hand and make it perfect for your relationship. (Lifestyle Guru)
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Last Updated: May 05, 2020
I’ve been doing my best when it comes to my personal development. Thanks for these reminders!
very motivational and great article, thanks for sharing
Self-awareness is such an important step to self-development! If you aren’t aware of your strengths and weaknesses, how can you make plans to grow and improve? Recognizing and understanding the areas in which we need to grow is the first step towards becoming the best version of ourselves. However, we have to be 110% honest with ourselves for it to work!
I like to think my self-awareness has improved significantly in the last year. It’s something I’ve been working on personally.
Thank you for sharing this very inspirational piece!
You are such an inspiration. I love that you are constantly looking at the positive attributes of people and personal development is important to you.
these are def tips id need to share and improve on myself – thanks for sharing such a great article!
Love the ideas for staying positive and motivated!
Great tips. I like the fact that you mentioned self-awareness first. Being a self-improvement blogger myself, I can relate to the importance of it.
These are some really great tips! I especially love the direction part.
I always loved to be reminded on staying positive and motivated. Thanks for this great article.
Goal-setting is key to accomplishing anything! Great tips here. Thank you!
Yes I love these tips and ideas. I definitely need a little motivation right now.
This is such a great inspiration! Thanks for sharing
So many people think that personal development is about better jobs, houses, and more money. And they totally miss all of the above qualities that are the real meaning of personal development. Great post as always!
Self awareness is really important, when you are aware about everything that surrounds you,your weakness and strength then you can fight any battle that comes your way.
When you are passionate about something,then you’ll do everything in your power to achieve it.
These are some great reminders. Self awareness is indeed important for a self development.
This is also revolutionary encouragement. Its definitely a huge impact to self when you are aware of your calling, you have direction and taking action. Then you will just wait for success.
These are some great tips! We feel self awareness is the key and the most crucial step. Everything starts only after that.
Nice tips as usual! I’m such a moody person and reading these tips are really helpful to me. Thanks!
Very motivational. Self-awareness is the first step in self-development! It is hard but it is important!
This is a wonderful blog post so far. I can’t even leave without dropping a relevant comment to this post cause it’s a nice blog post the writer did a great job on this post cause the post is very relevant both the design, especially the topic that says;
I love this post honestly.
Thanks. Great job.
Having a goal really helps in self development.
what a great tips and inspiration. Self reminders and improve myself.