According to my lifestyle, I am not an unplanned person, so I never left the yacht of life on the will of external wind waves. I always set small goals for a specific period. Today is the last day of April and I have tried to review my last month’s progress and plan my goals for May 2020, that what I want to accomplish in May?
Contents of the Article
My Goals for May 2020
For the planning of your month, it is important that you must be clear about your targets and resources. If you are not clear about your work and resources, you could not plan and achieve your goals.
Planning should be according to time, skills, and resources, more expectations can be the reasons of frustration in your life. If you would like to make your dreams come true, then plan your days, don’t wait for years.
Review of April 2020
Almost the whole world was under lockdown due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. I also spend the month at home. We have also stopped work since mid of March, stayed home till April. During the period of working from home, this April teaches so many lessons, felt the fear of unemployment, control on unnecessary expenses, how to avoid unnecessary meetings/gatherings, felt the fear of food insecurity (the stopped supply due to lockdown), survive in limited resources, no travel, full day staying at home, no any gathering with friends.
Things that went well in April 2020
For the last many years, my wife has been recording our all expenses for staying within budget, but this time she budgeted the monthly expenses according to income because we are still living within monthly income. I supported her to finalize the budget and controlling the unnecessary expenses. Because this pandemic also affected our income too, and I have also provided some amount in the welfare account for providing food items to COVID-19 affected poor families. Today, we reviewed that, we have not crossed the budget line and our planning worked well.
Evening Walk
Due to lockdown, I continued the evening walk at the rooftop of my house, the space is enough for a walk and some yoga exercises.
The time was enough to plan blog posts, so initially planned 28 posts for April 2020. Before this, it was not possible to write, edit, design, and publish a daily blog post for me due to workload at the office and ongoing education project.
During the period the schools are also off so my daughter and son also helped to achieve the target and I have published 26 blog posts in April 2020.
Social Media Posting:
I have maintained Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram accounts efficiently and posted new blog posts regularly. It was the responsibility of my son Mr. Janus and Daughter Bhasah to check the feedback of readers, reply to their comments and drop comments of different blog posts on behalf of “World in Eyes” they performed their responsibilities very well.
Enough time (Lockdown)
It was also the positive side of this period that, spend a good time with family, enough rest, more working on a website (worldliness), reading new books, and writing regularly. So, during April 2020, I have published a total of 26 blog posts which is a good number, read four new books, numerous articles, and blog posts of blogger friends.
To Complete Professional Tasks:
It was a tough job to work from home and complete the tasks but I have completed my official tasks on a priority basis but my few targets affected due to fieldwork suspended, closed education sector, schools, markest, and transport.
To start reading again:
I have completed the reading of four books, more than a hundred blogs/articles during this month.

Things that didn’t go as well in April 2020
Visit or tour
After returning from Nepal, it was planned to go to visit any historical place with family during this spring and explore the spring beauty and historical background of that place. Coming three months of summer from May to July is not a suitable time for tourism except to visit any waterpark.
Change in daily routine
Late-night working and watching some movies and drama serials impacted the daily routine.
What I want to accomplish in May 2020
Read at least two books:
I would like to read two books in May 2020, including the new Urdu translation of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind is a book by Yuval Noah Harari, first published in Hebrew in Israel in 2011 based on a series of lectures Harari taught at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and in English.
Tax Consultancy:
The financial year 2019-20 will be close on June 30, 2020, so I have to finalize the record of all income tax clients. For submitting their income tax return files in July 2020.
30 Days 30 Blogs:
I have also planned 30 blog posts for this may under the slogan of “Every day a new story”. For this challenge, I have also invited different bloggers for contributing to this cause and write in collaboration.
30 days 30 blogs (Every day a new story)
- Five reasons my website name is
- Five reasons why you blog
- Five facts about you
- Five-favorite songs
- Five-favorite movies
- Five favorite inspiration quotes
- Five School-age friends
- Five University friends
- Five rememberable things you never shared
- Five best habits
- Five days from your childhood memories
- Five days of your first job
- Five counties you want to visit
- Five goals of 2020
- Five goals of life
- Five-way to share your proudest movement
- Five most important days of your life
- Five favorite books you have read
- Five books you want to read
- Five most favorite food
- Five worst days you don’t like to remember
- Five rememberable photos
- Five things you hope to be remembered for
- Five worried traits
- Five reasons what are you afraid of
- Five thoughts on your zodiac
- Five favorite posts in your blog
- Five rememberable activities of your childhood
- Five photos of your important day marriage/birthday/graduation celebration
- Five ways to analysis monthly goals and plan new goals
Unforeseen Activities:
There is the possibility of different unforeseen activities on routine life, which may affect the regular planning. Therefore, I always try to fix some spare time for managing unforeseen activities.
Always remember, Only GOD is perfect nothing else. Don’t wait for perfect, take the hand and make it perfect for your relationship. (Lifestyle Guru)
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Last Updated: April 30, 2020
Where almot in the middle of the year but a lot of bad things did happen. Hopefully, the month of May is the start of something good.
it was a nice post. Also looking forward to the “Everyday new story” just let us know how I can contribute to it and also loved the topics.
I love how structured and organized you are! I need to do the same! Great goals!!!! Well done.
This is awesome you’ve made a plan and a schedule for yourself what to do. It is one of the forms of accountability to yourself. Bravo!
This is so organized and well planned out. In all God foresees all things
Thanks for sharing!
This is great. Setting goals helps in keeping you focused and making sure that you are on the right track 🙂
My only goal is to have a no spend this MAy. I spent way too much on my journals for April so I need to make up for it by saving this May – December 2020.
You are so organized. I value the importance of planning even in our daily life.
I also have changed my plans for 2020. I’ll read more on financial books. And I will only watch movies and shows that are inspirational. I’m reprogramming my mind and life.
Many of these actions of actually moving and passing time is the same as mine and helps me stay focused.
Wow publishing 26 posts in a month is a lot. It seems like your month of April was very productive, very inspiring to us all.
I love this idea of reviewing what has happened and planning what is going to. Great organization!
My goal in May is to get back into exercise and eating healthy. April was kind of awful for those things and I’m not very happy with my results even though I was expecting them.
These are some great goals! I love reviewing my month but I’m never very creative. I love how you’ve got reading on your list, I have a yearly goal of 52 but due to quarantine, I’m sure I’ll reach that sooner!
I sounds like despite a few setbacks, April was a great month for you! I too love to set goals each month to stay on task with moving forward. Cheers to a new month and new goals!
This is great because we got to see the behind-the-scenes of your blog and your daily day life. I am trying to plan ahead my blog post I am going to take agenda and plan them. I’m going to do May a productive month thank you for this tips.
My goals for May are to be successful with my garden. I am going to work hard at taking care of the plants
It sounds like this time has been one that you have been able to take full advantage of! You have been, and are preparing to be, consistently productive which is going to pay off in spades in the future I’m sure. Excited for what is ahead in May for you.
Your goals are detailed and thorough. That is exactly how I like to write down goals. You are going to crush the month of May.
Good for you for meeting or exceeding all of your goals. And you stayed within budget! That makes for an awesome month. I hope May is just as good for you.
Wow great setting about your goals this month. This month is my anniversary month so I want this month awesome goodluck to us!
These are some serious goals. Wish you all the best.
I love the 30 days 30 blogs idea! That can make lockdown more fun and it can be a chance to recap the good ‘ol times. As with reading books, that has been a goal for me too, which I hope to accomplish soon. Good luck in achieving your goals 🙂
What awesome post ideas for May and great goals. Good luck to you in May!
I have to admit I haven’t set any goals apart from finish another book. I just don’t see the point because we’re all locked inside.
Congrats for sticking with the 30 days! I don’t think I could make it that far.
Wish you all the best! my goal for this month is to blog, stick to my healthy diet and look for a good job.
Wow! Congrats on starting this challenge. I just finished mine. 🙂 Me as well, I love to read new books this month.. 🙂 Thanks for sharing…
Due to the lockdown, I got a new perspective on my goals – what mistakes I am making which are preventing me from achieving them. Spending time at home has given me insights on what I need to do to improve myself.
Good job on achieving your goals and making new goals for the next month.
WOW. This is so inspiring!!! i need to work on some goals. I love this.
I really enjoy how detailed your plan is! Achieving goals is always such a rewarding feeling
wow, this are great things to do in this month, I hope you achieve all of them one by one, regular social posting has been on my to-do list as well for a while now. great to have found your blog.
I love how you have your goals written down for the year. I need to do that. You’re more likely to accomplish your goals when you are looking at them and thinking of them everyday.
These are some really positive goals to work towards this month and I too really want to find more time for reading
Laura x